Ronstadt back in public eye,
and it’s not so easy
Sunday, May
27, 2018
Linda Ronstadt
doesn’t feel like company much
these days. At least, not too much
company. And on a recent visit,
she is definitely not going to put
on clothes and makeup.....sfgate |
Airplane’s Paul Kantner dies
at 74
Friday, January 29, 2016
night in San Francisco changed
everything in B.B. King’s life —
in amazing and unpredictable
Airplane founder Paul Kantner, a
giant of the San Francisco rock
scene, died Thursday afternoon
after suffering a massive heart
attack in his sleep two days
earlier. He was 74 and
surrounded by his three children
at the time of his death....sfgate
offers paint-by-numbers
show, but fans provides
Sunday, June 28, 2015
No rock band in the world boasts
an audience as devoted and
engaged as the Grateful
Dead, and it was the
Deadheads who brought the party
Saturday to Levi’s Stadium for
the first show on the
five-concert “Fare Thee Well”
tour featuring the four living
members of the Dead back
together for one last roundup.....sfgate
night at the Fillmore
changed B.B. King’s career
Saturday, May 16, 2015
night in San Francisco changed
everything in B.B. King’s life —
in amazing and unpredictable
B.B. King,
the greatest bluesman of his
generation, who died Thursday at
89 in Las Vegas, had played the
Fillmore Auditorium many times
before that night in February
1967. It had been operated by
Charles Sullivan, a ghetto
entrepreneur who ran jukeboxes
and cigarette machines up and
down the coast, as well as
producing rhythm and blues
concerts at the 1,100-seat
upstairs dance hall in the
middle of a black neighborhood
that had thrived prior to urban
redevelopment, a well-known stop
on the so-called chitlin
Ron Nagle’s ’70 album,
popular flop and cult hit,
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Nagle, a longtime curmudgeon of
the San Francisco art and music
scene, was swimming upstream in
1970 with the release of an
album of dark, melancholy pop
songs at the height of the San
Francisco hippie psychedelic
era. “Bad Rice,” his lone solo
album, is a long-lost cult
classic about to be issued on CD
for the first time in a two-disc
deluxe set....sfgate
tour with Janis Joplin — an
insider’s view
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Byrne Cooke strides across
Washington Square, a place
familiar to him because he lived
around the corner of 45 years
ago when he was road manager for
Big Brother and the Holding
“The guys
in Big Brother all wanted to
know why I didn’t live in the
Haight,” he says, “and I told
them 'I’m a beatnik, not a
hippie.’” ...sfgate
Harris touring for reissue
of cult classic 'Wrecking
Friday, March 28, 2014
country music career of Emmylou
Harris was already finished when
she set foot in the studio in
winter 1995 to make "Wrecking
Ball" with producer Daniel
Lanois. Country radio had
stopped playing her records, and
her label had no idea what to
Beck, Brian Wilson review:
perfect harmony
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Wilson and Jeff Beck have lived
their lives in parallel musical
universes, but in the wide,
wonderful world of rock 'n'
roll, parallel lines do meet. At
the Paramount Theatre in Oakland
on Tuesday, in an unforgettable
tableau, the exquisite British
blues-rock guitarist drew out
Wilson's sunny melodies in
silvery, wavering guitar lines
as the combined forces of his
band and the Beach Boys
founder's backing group stitched
together the complex harmonies
and orchestrations from Wilson's
lost masterpiece, "Smile." ...sfgate
show revisits era of good
lovin', playin'
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
did Little Steven find the time?
He tours the
world playing guitar with Bruce
Springsteen and the E Street Band.
He maintains a thriving acting
career launched by a long-running
part in "The Sopranos." He hosts a
syndicated weekly radio show and
runs his own record label, among
other enterprises....sfgate
Poster Room filled with
walls of sound
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
ran out of space on the walls of
the Poster Room at the Fillmore
Auditorium years ago. The most
recent addition advertises a
Black Keys concert from 2007.
Every available inch of the wall
space in the upstairs bar and
restaurant as well as the
adjacent balcony room is covered
with framed posters from
sold-out Fillmore shows of
the past ...sfgate
credit to Woodstock hero
Alvin Lee
Friday, March 8, 2013
frantic, flashy guitar playing
on the nearly 10-minute "I'm
Going Home" made British rock
musician Alvin Lee, who died
this week at age 68 in southern
Spain, one of the heroes of
Woodstock, both the music
festival and the subsequent
Rick Stevens embraces 2nd
Monday, January 28, 2013
a glacial-white suit and tie,
set off by a blood-orange shirt,
the compact, dark-haired
vocalist Rick Stevens leaned
into "You're Still a Young Man,"
his signature song as lead
vocalist of Tower of Power, when
the band burst out of the East
Bay funk scene 40 years ago and
Stevens had a promising future.
Johnny Cash Columbia boxed
Monday, December 3, 2012
Cash had to disappear from the
skyline before it became obvious
how tall a tree he truly was.
If any doubts
remain, the newly released 63-disc
boxed set, "Johnny Cash - The
Complete Columbia Album
Collection" - takes the full
measure of the man's recorded
legacy. With the addition of a
single disc covering his first
three years of recording for the
Sun Records label - and Cash's
absent latter-era sessions with
producer Rick Rubin
notwithstanding - this unwieldy
set is an American treasury along
the lines of....sfgate
Generations of Hoodoo Rhythm
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
A son
who grew up barely knowing his
father and a musician who still
misses his partner more than 30
years after his death will team
up to bring back to life the
music of the Hoodoo Rhythm
Devils, a little-remembered band
that was one of the great
almost-was, hard-luck stories of
the '70s San Francisco rock
Strictly Bluegrass festival
Monday, October 8, 2012
Emmylou Harris walked out on
stage Sunday to close the 12th
annual Hardly Strictly Bluegrass
Festival in Golden Gate Park, as
she has every year, a light
ocean breeze picked up,
signaling the end of a great
musical weekend....sfgate
Orleans Jazz and Heritage
Festival review
Monday, April 30, 2012
years later, New Orleans is back
and hotter than ever.With
record-breaking attendance at
the first weekend of the annual
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage
Festival - highlighted by
appearances from Bruce
Springsteen, Tom Petty and the
re-formed Beach Boys - the
town's many restaurants, bars
and clubs packed with patrons
and the French Quarter overrun
with visitors, Jazz Fest has
finally equaled and exceeded
pre-Katrina prosperity. ...sfgate
Bobby Keys rolls with rock's
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Richards likes his pal's book
better than his own. " 'It gets
to the meat of the matter
faster' is what he said," says
Bobby Keys, saxophonist for the
Rolling Stones for the past 40
or so years and pirate mate to
swashbuckling Richards. ...sfgate
Helm: an appreciation by Joel
Saturday, April 21, 2012
the heart of the clapboard
honesty that made the Band sound
so revolutionary when it emerged
on the rock scene in 1969 was
the impossibly dusty voice of
Levon Helm. Everything he sang
was the truth - an unmistakable
sound. ...sfgate
for a King: Dan Hicks at 70
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hicks is feeling the pressure,
as he inspects a piece of
scenery being painted at the
studio above Mill Valley's
Throckmorton Theatre. It is a
giant cutout of a '40s
automobile, all fender and
tires, which he calls
"Hicksville ambience." He
regards painter Joan Reynolds
Brother & the Holding
Company live CD review
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Sonic Journals Presents Big
Brother and the Holding Company
Featuring Janis Joplin Live at
the Carousel Ballroom 1968:
Columbia/Legacy, $9.99.
A new compact
disc of old live recordings by Big
Brother & the Holding Company
captures not only that band at its
enviable peak but perhaps the
entire San Francisco '60s
Haight-Ashbury thing in one of its
last shining hours. ....sfgate
Checker awaits reward for
life of twists
Sunday, January 29, 2012
-- Placer County - Chubby
Checker is ticked off. But only
in the very nicest possible way.
The 70-year-old
creator of the twist, the greatest
dance sensation in history,
doesn't feel the respect he thinks
he deserves. He sits in his modest
suite on the top occupied floor of
the Thunder Valley Hotel and
Casino, where he will perform that
evening once again, trying to
explain how he feels.....sfgate
Otis - Rhythm and Blues
Renaissance Man
Monday, January 23, 2012
rhythm and blues ever had a
renaissance man, his name was
Johnny Otis.
Otis, who
died Tuesday at 90, was a
bandleader, an administrative
assistant to the lieutenant
governor, a minister with his
own church, a disc jockey, a
college professor, a painter and
sculptor, an author, and a
celebrated chef. ....sfgate
Hellman's passion spawned
world-class fest
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Hellman stood behind his desk in
the corner office. He was
wearing his trademark faded
denim shirt and no tie - hardly
the expected gear for
billionaire investment bankers.
He punched up a website on his
laptop and broke into a huge
grin as the voice of coal
miner's daughter Hazel Dickens
sputtered forth......sfgate
on Bill Graham's death, 20 years
Saturday, October 22, 2011
marks the 20th anniversary of the
death of concert impresario Bill
Graham, founder of a business
empire and a major player in rock
'n' roll history both in the Bay
Area and throughout the United
States. The Chronicle's longtime
pop music critic Joel Selvin
remembers that night. ....sfgate |
Harrison: Living in the
Material World'
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
portrait of George Harrison that
emerges from the new Martin
Scorsese documentary, "George
Harrison: Living in the Material
World," airing in two parts
Wednesday and Thursday on HBO,
is a convoluted mass of
contradictory characteristics,
with a little Vaseline on the
lens to blur some of the less
comfortably explained pieces of
the story.....sfgate
Honey Island Swamp Band has S.F.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
hottest new band in New Orleans
started in San Francisco.
Guitarist Chris Mulé and bassist
Aaron Wilkinson were playing with
guitarist Eric Lindell on tour in
San Francisco when Katrina hit New
Orleans in August 2005. Everything
Wilkinson owned was stashed in his
van and his roommate's apartment
back in Louisiana ....sfgate |
of Ages' musical exhumes
'80s power ballads
Sunday, February 27, 2011
have been few musical sins
committed in the name of rock
'n' roll as egregious as the
power ballad. Not really rock
and not really a good idea to
begin with, the rock power
ballad was born in the '70s as a
way for hard-rock bands to get
their crummy music on the radio,
like "Beth" by Kiss.....sfgate
Crowell's memoir 'Chinaberry
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Crowell recounts the turbulent,
complicated relationship of his
parents in his memoir, "Chinaberry
Sidewalks" (Knopf, 272 pages,
$24.95), like a sad country song
he might have written, distancing
himself from the pain and anger
with dark humor. ....sfgate |
Records' roots showing on
50th birthday
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Strachwitz remembers when giants
walked the earthHe shakes his
head as he recalls recording
Mississippi bluesman Big Joe
Williams, king of the
nine-string guitar, at the very
beginning of Arhoolie Records,
the Berkeley folklore recording
empire over which he has
presided for a full 50 years....sfgate
Rosanne Cash makes peace with
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cash is going to appear the next
day on "Good Morning America." She
looked in the mirror that morning
and thought she needed to lose 5
pounds, so she doesn't eat her
french fries and orders her
hamburger without the bun. Show
business demands sacrifice.....sfgate |
Springfield together again
on Bridge bill
Monday, October 25, 2010
For a
group from rock's Pleistocene
era that managed only one real
hit in the band's short life and
haven't appeared together
onstage in 43 years, Buffalo
Springfield has always attracted
an outsize degree of sentiment,
largely because of its two famed
alumni: Stephen Stills and Neil
Strictly Bluegrass Festival
draws 600,000
Monday, October 4, 2010
bluegrass invasion swarmed over
the west end of Golden Gate Park
again this weekend as financier
Warren Hellman threw his
million-dollar bash, the 10th
annual Hardly Strictly Bluegrass
Festival, and the park was filled
with people playing fiddles,
mandolins and banjos - way past
the legal limit.....sfgate |
review: Bob Dylan at the
Friday, August 27, 2010
Bob Dylan
conducted something of an
intimate house party Wednesday
at the Warfield with more than
a thousand of his closest
friends or, at least, those
willing to wait in line for
tickets before the show.
Tickets for the last-minute
addition to his touring
schedule - he played the night
before at a sold-out Fox
Oakland - were placed on sale
the day of the show only and
sold for cash. When the box
office opened at 5:30
Wednesday afternoon, a line
snaked down Market Street, ...sfgate
reunion of 'Mill Valley'
Monday, August 9, 2010
half-dozen middle-aged men and
women adjusted their glasses and
looked up at the television in
Judy Berman's living room.
Watching themselves as 8-year-olds
in a promotional film shot 40
years ago by a young Francis Ford
Coppola, they were celebrating the
anniversary of a flukey hit record
that painted the town of Mill
Valley as an idyllic haven "where
people aren't afraid to smile, and
stop and talk to you a while."....sfgate |
comes back around for Lester
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Chambers can't play the
cowbell anymore. An injury to
his neck, probably exacerbated
by all those years of playing
cowbell in the first place,
has sidelined the man who made
the instrument famous on the
opening of the Chambers
Brothers hit "Time Has Come
friends join Bill Kirchen for
truck-free CD
Sunday, June 20, 2010
are no truck songs on "Word to the
Wise," the new album by guitarist
Bill Kirchen. "The
second record with no truck songs,
you'll notice," he says over the
phone from his Maryland home. "I
figured that I had enough truck
songs in my repertoire, that I'd
either written or learned, to last
a lifetime.
I'm not eschewing truck songs. My
plate is full. ....sfgate |
Shorty to spice S.F. with Treme
Tuesday, May
11, 2010
A packed crowd of drunken white
Southern college kids jammed
into the House of Blues in the
French Quarter last month on the
opening night of Jazzfest to
watch Trombone Shorty, New
Orleans' brightest new star in a
generation, play a punishing 2
1/2-hour set, only the first gig
in the 10 busiest days of his
annual calendar
....sfgate |
concert honors life of Norton
Nobody ever knew anybody like
Norton Buffalo. It was his gift to
make anyone he met feel like his
friend. He played on more than 180
albums, and every one of the
musicians who hired him thought he
was their friend.
When Buffalo was diagnosed with
lung cancer in September after
getting off his summer tour with
the Steve Miller Band, his
longtime bandleader and close
friend talked to Buffalo about
putting together a benefit
Warwick has sung a 'blessed'
Dionne Warwick was a college
student who sang in New York City
recording sessions when
songwriters Burt Bacharach and Hal
David, yet to have their first big
hit, picked her out of a
background choir at a Drifters
session. She sang their demos
first and eventually made their
biggest hits, including "Anyone
Who Had a Heart" and "Walk on By,"
both recorded at the same morning
session, and another half dozen
Top Ten hits that formed one of
the most beloved treasuries of
20th century American popular